
We know going somewhere new can be intimidating, so check this out: the #1 thing our guest tell us is that coming to The Rescue Church just feels like Home! Once you step into this place all the fears fade away and the only question you will be asking is, “why didn’t I come sooner?” 

Come to meet Jesus! Come ready to feel God’s love through our church family. All are welcome, no judgment, just God’s love.

We have a full parking lot available in front of the church. If you are a first time guest, turn on your headlights and someone will greet you at your car. Security is always present to keep your vehicle safe. Your children will be greeted with a buggy ride if they would like.

What to Expect"


We are all about empowering ordinary people to make a big difference every day where you live, work, and play.

We are Family

For so many of us the relationships created here are even more like family to us than the people we share the same DNA with. This is a FUNCTIONAL family.

People who love God and love one another

We genuinely care about you and value our connection. This is a place where everybody is somebody!

Kids Come First

Jesus made room for kids in his ministry and we do too. Every Sunday we provide your kids with an amazing childrens ministry program with dedicated volutneer teachers and helpers, who teach your children biblical truths. SO RELAX! We love you and your kids.

Messages that make sense

Our goal is to help you follow Jesus by simply living what you learn. You will never leave one of our gatherings wondering what we were trying to say. Our dynamic style and simple presentation of timeless truths captivate audiences of all ages. Every message is powerful, personal, and practical leaving you feeling like somehow someone knew exactly what you needed to hear that week.

Music that moves you

Our praise is passionate and immersive. It will ignite your heart and become the soundtrack of your life. You will find it almost impossible to resist expressing your love for Jesus in song. Don’t be nervous, the song lyrics will be on giant screens so you can easily read them and follow along. Sounds like a giant karaoke with Jesus! Seriously, the songs are so good you will find yourself singing them throughout your week. Our decibel levels are closely monitored and always safe. Feel free to worship how you are lead to.

Come as you are

God cares more about what is on the inside than what is on the outside, so the way you dress is not our priority. We don’t really care what you wear as long as you are wearing SOMETHING!

First Time Guest?

Please take a moment to fill out a connection card, in person our greeter will hand you a card to fill out, online you can fill out this form:

Click Here for Our Connection Card

or scan the QR code below

Scan this QR code to get to our connection card.