Serve at The Rescue

Romans 12 gives us instructions on how we serve. Verse 6 says, since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly.

Serving in a volunteer capacity is a great way to get to know everyone on a personal basis. It also makes you feel like you are a part of the great plans God has for us!

Opportunities to Serve

We have the following leadership (Volunteer) positions openings:

  • Student Ministry Director - Must have a passion for serving as a Student Ministry Director (Student Ministry is 6th-12th Grade). We have an urgent need to fill this position.

  • Women’s Ministry Coordinator

  • Men’s Ministry Coordinator

  • Prayer Ministry Coordinator
    Prayer is a vital part of all churches, and our prayer ministry coordinator position is a vital position.

We have the following non leadership by ministry volunteer positions:

  • Photographer (Potentially filled)

  • Graphic Designer

  • Website Tech (Potentially filled)

All of these positions have the following 7 exceptions of the person(s) doing them:

  1. Dependable - You must be dependable meaning, you are expected to come to church, attending meetings and fulfil your duties.

  2. Arrive early to setup and prep for your ministry events, and other church events.

  3. Communicate effectively with your volunteers, other leaders and the Pastor

  4. Provide your full undivided attention during ministry and church events, meetings, worship and service.

  5. Be pleasant and have a smile on your face, enjoy what you do and be cheerful.

  6. Love those you are ministering to and with.

  7. Be a problem solver, not just a pointer out of problems.

If you are interested in any of these positions, please fill out the form below. An intensive background check and sex offender search is done on all of our volunteers as the safety of our children and members are of the highest importance.

Fill out the form below and one of our ministry leaders will be in touch with you to help find the best role for you to serve in based on your interest, gifts, and availability.